





WhizKid JobChart
Chore Chart Management System


Create Accounts
Create and Edit Chore Charts
Chore Chart Review
Chore Chart Account Viewer
Create Incentives
Chore Chart Viewer
Auto Create Chore Charts
Printing Chore Charts
Printing Chore Chart Reports
Assigning Jobs
Deleting Accounts

This chore chart and reward system was designed to be used by both the parent and the child.  Children login into their account and open chore charts that were created for them by their parents.  Parents can use the system to quickly create, edit, print and track jobs completed from week to week for one child or many.  Creating a new chore chart takes only a few minutes.

Children are reminded daily what their reward or incentive is, pictured in the upper right hand corner of their chore chart and how close they are to receiving it.  Parents can determine the reward and the amount of points required to receive the reward, make changes, and cash it out to the child as they see fit.    

Parents can view any of the current chore charts that are available and see if the children are updating their charts on a daily basis and see how they are progressing during the week. 

A check mark in the check box means the child has completed the job for that day.  The number 1 by the check box means the job was required only once for that day and completed.  A blank check box means the job has yet to completed and a blank day of the week means the job was not required to be completed to begin with.  Parents can update their child's chore chart by logging into the child's account and opening the chore chart that needs updating and making the changes there. 



WhizKid JobChart
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WhizKid JobChart
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© Copyright 2006 Skye PublicationsContact: info@mychorechart.com